Join the Morrisons Equal Pay Claim

Have you lost money because Morrisons didn’t pay you fairly? If so, Join the Morrisons equal pay claim to get the justice and compensation you deserve.

morrisons equal pay claim 2025
morrisons equal pay claim 2025

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Morrisons is accused of paying its distribution centre employees more than its store workers. But legal experts believe both in-store and warehouse staff do jobs of equal value and should receive equal pay.

Lawyers are helping affected employees claim compensation for the pay they have not received. If the legal action is successful, Morrisons could owe these workers thousands of pounds each in backpay. Your payout could increase for every hour worked from the day you join until the case concludes. Sign up now to ensure the maximum payout possible.

At a glance


Claim still open

Average estimated claim value

£5,000 +

Backpay due

Up to 6 years 

What do we know about the Morrisons equal pay claim?

  • Under the Equality Act 2010, men and women must receive equal pay for equal work. But Morrisons pays its warehouse employees, who are mostly men, up to £3 more than its store workers, who are mostly women.
  • Current and former Morrisons store employees could be due up to 6 years in back pay compensation.
  • In this case, while the difference in pay is likely due to gender, both men and women working in Morrisons’ shop floors could have a claim as long as they were paid on an hourly rate.
  • Group action claims can be more powerful and effective than individual claims when getting justice for pay inequalities.

Are you eligible to join the Morrisons equal pay compensation claim?

If you answer yes to either of the following, live in England, Wales, or Scotland, and were paid an hourly rate, you could have a NO-WIN, NO- FEE Morrisons compensation claim.

  • Are you currently employed as a Morrisons store worker?

  • Have you been employed as a Morrisons store worker in the last 6 years?

If you have a Morrisons equal pay claim, register your interest and we’ll connect you with a UK law firm running a Morrisons equal pay group action.

How to join the Morrisons equal pay claim

Check your eligibility

Our simple eligibility checker provides instant clarity. Answer a few straightforward questions, and you’ll know if you could qualify for a Morrisons equal pay group action claim.

Register your interest

If you have a potential claim, register your interest and we’ll keep you updated about this case.

Join the Claim

Your matchmaker for justice, if eligible, we’ll pair you with a regulated law firm running a suitable claim.

Morrisons equal pay FAQs

Despite doing jobs of equal value, Morrisons pays its store staff as much as £3 an hour less than its distribution centre staff.  Lawyers claim this is a breach of the Equality Act 2010, which states that employers must pay employees in comparable roles equally.  

Yes. If you have worked at a Morrisons store at any time in the last six years, you may be eligible to make an equal pay claim. 

No. An employer cannot fire you, or treat you any differently for joining the claim. Morrisons would be breaking the law if it did. 

If you are currently working in a Morrisons store, or have previously worked at Morrisons store at any time in the last six years, you may qualify to make an equal pay claim. 

You might have been underpaid by £1 to £3 per hour. When multiplied by the hours you’ve worked over the past six years, this could amount to thousands of pounds in compensation. Most claimants are seeking over £5,000, with some claims potentially reaching upwards of £24,000.

The value of your claim will depend on factors such as the hours you’ve worked, how long you’ve been employed, and the roles used for comparison in the case.

If you’re still employed at Morrisons, the claim may also seek to secure an increase in your hourly rate and future pay.

In the UK, if a group of people have experienced loss, or otherwise been harmed by an organisation’s law breaking, they can come together to fight for justice. Levelling the playing field when standing up to big businesses, group actions prove that there is strength in numbers. At Join the Claim, we bring consumers and law firms together to ensure these group actions are as powerful as possible. 

You will only have to pay anything if you win. You will not have to pay anything up front. Any payment would only come out of the money that the law firm recovers from Morrisons on your behalf. They will conduct the litigation for you under a no win no fee agreement.

Latest updates on the Morrisons equal pay scandal

  • January 2025

    The Morrisons equal pay case took a significant step forward when an Employment Tribunal agreed finalised job descriptions for Morrisons shop and warehouse workers. These will be used to determine whether the roles are comparable. 

  • August 2024

    Next lost a legal claim comparing the pay of warehouse and shop floor staff. This case has significant repercussions for the Morrisons equal pay claim. 

  • September 2021

    An Employment Tribunal ruled Morrisons store workers could compare their roles to distribution centre workers for the purposes of determining equal pay. This was great news for those seeking equal pay compensation.

  • September 2018

    The first Morrisons equal pay claim was launched. The move followed similar actions against Asda, Sainsbury’s and Tesco.

We’ll provide more updates on this case as they happen.

Join the claim
Join the claim
Join the claim

Join the Morrisons equal pay claim and secure your compensation.

Check your eligibility and find out if you can join the no-win, no-fee Morrisons equal pay claim.

Rated Excellent


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Join the claim
Very easy to sign up, hope its sorted soon
Very easy and quick to complete the claim Everything was explained well and fees payable in etc were made very clear
So easy to sign up for the claim
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